
Andrew D. Edwards

  Andrew D. Edwards ©

Aktuelle Produktionen: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Tempest, As You Like It (Shakespeare Globe on Tour), Der Barbier von Sevilla (Sante Fe Opera), Das schlaue Füchlein (Opera Holland Park) und Ku’damm 56 (UA, Berlin)


Bühnenbild in Schauspiel und Musical: Two Old Women (Théâtre National Populaire, Paris), La puce à l’oreille (Comédie-Française, Paris), Fack Ju Göhte (Werk 7, München, Stage Entertainment); Shakespeare’s Globe on Tour 2019, Tartuffe (Theatre Royal Haymarket); Après la pluie (Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier, Paris); Das Haus der Bernarda Alba (Comédie-Française, Paris); Dry Powder, Labyrinth, Donny’s Brain (Hampstead Theatre); Twelfth Night, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice (Globe on Tour); Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare’s Globe & International Tour); As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare’s Globe); Plaques and Tangles, Who Cares (Royal Court); Miss Julie/Black Comedy (Chichester Minerva Theatre); Blue Remembered Hills, Playhouse Creatures, Fred’s Diner (Chichester Festival Theatre & Theatre on the Fly); Impossible (West End & International Tour); The Life and Times of Fanny Hill (Bristol Old Vic); Les Parents Terribles (Donmar Season at Trafalgar Studios); Backbeat (West End, Toronto & Los Angeles); Jesus Christ Superstar (Madrid & European Tour).


Opernbühnenbilder: Madame Favart (Opera Comique, Paris), Der Barbier von Sevilla (Grange Festival); Così fan tutte (Central City Opera); La Bohème (Opera Holland Park).